Tuesday, October 27, 2009

feeling helpless

My hubby's brother is deployed to Iraq (again) so he suggested I come visit his wife in Colorado while he is gone. In the past few weeks, her two sons (28 months and 16 months) have both gotten sick, injured, and otherwise visited the emergency room 4 times. Her husband was in a car wreck and lost a teammate, and also his job in the Army. They have moved twice, with the help of neighbors and ward members. Her mother-in-law (who came out to help) has put the family in an enormous amount of debt due to bad choices and refuses to take any responsibililty, as well as being extremely critical of her parenting methods and very unhelpful.
So I am here, doing my best to help and feeling a bit helpless since most of the situation is out of my control. I can play with the kids and cook dinner to give her a break but not ease the stress. I am just praying that things work out with him finding a job and that they can get out of debt.

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