Thursday, September 24, 2009

Focus on the positive...

Why do we, as women, judge ourselves so harshly?

Why do we focus on the five pounds left to lose instead of the 35 already lost?

Why do we stress about the one room in the house that has not yet been cleaned?

Why do we feel guilty about the one night this week we had hot dogs for dinner?

Why do we look at others and compare ourselves to them, seeing only the good qualities we have not yet attained?

I think we are inherently predisposed to bettering ourselves. Unfortunately we go one step further, causing frustration and anxiety by focusing on what we have NOT done yet instead of our potential.

My goal this month is to focus on the positive! I will give myself kudos for what I accomplish and recognize the good in my life.

-I will be grateful for the new friends I have made instead of lamenting the ones left behind.

-I will appreciate the beautiful fall colors instead of concentrating on the imminent winter approaching.

-I will congratulate the successes of my daughter's development instead of the thoughts of a past career.

-I will take advantage of the opportunities I have to visit family instead of thinking about the distance between us.

-I will enjoy the challenge of a new calling and the opportunity to grow in an area outside my usual comfort.

-I will recognize my Savior's love and all the many blessings I have in my life.

This will be a great month!


wendy said...

You are right! Great post.

I am working on remembering that even though I feel like it's time to move, I love Hawaii and winter here is much better that winter in SD...

Anna and Dusty said...

This is such a great idea! You are so inspiring. I'm going to work toward having a positive month too.

Mary said...

Thank you for the reminder as I too am going through tough time right now. I need to remember all of the positive things in my life and all that I have.

Juli said...

I like your family picture! Good idea to focus on the positive.

Heather said...

good advice for us all! btw what is your new calling?