Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Baby Can Read

No, I'm not talking about that program seen on TV.  I literally mean that my 2.5 year old CAN READ!

Seriously, I'm as blown away as you are.  I have seen some signs leading up to it, but when she picked up a book (Are You My Mother) and read it to me word-for-word I just couldn't quite believe it.  I waited until J came home from work to see if she would do it for him.  I picked a library book that we had only read once before.  Same thing, reading along the lines with her little toddler finger tracing the words.  Here are some things I attribute to her early reading (aside from my degree in elementary ed):

I have read books to her DAILY from the time we came home from the hospital.
I point out letters and words EVERYWHERE, signs while driving, cereal boxes at the grocery store, etc.
I let her pick the books at the library. 
I take her to Storytime every week.
We play with words, sing songs, and pick out rhyming words.
We line up letters on the fridge, with her puzzles, and on paper.
I trace the words with my finger while reading.
I pick a word from each book to have her 'read' every time it appears.
(and No, I did not purchase that program.  I oppose it on educational grounds. I also have not pushed her beyond her interest level.)

Apparently I have passed on my love of reading to my daughter (Success!).  Now if only she had inherited my teeth...two years old and already a cavity =(


The Pearce People said...

That is so cool!! Ally is a smart one and you are such a good mommy for beign so proactive is teaching her and being involved!

Mary said...

And I thought John read early. He was reading by the age of 4 and I contirbute it to the same things as you. It is great when you have a child who loves to learn!! Keep up the good work Amy, as you know having a love for reading will help her in school. By the way, Ally is so cute!

Steven and Chelsea said...

AWESOME!!! You are a great mommy and Ally is SO smart!