Monday, September 5, 2011

jet lag and morning sickness

...not a good combination!
Well it's official, the puking has begun again.  Last time it started at 10 weeks, apparently this child is impatient because I am only 6 weeks along and puking merrily.  I literally get 'morning' sickness, which hopefully subsides as long as I keep my stomach in close proximity to food for the remainder of the day.

And officially, YAY!


Anna and Dusty said...

YAAAAAY!!! YAYAYAY! I'm so excited for you. Not about the throwing up, of course. Hope you feel better soon, Ally is going to be the BEST big sister!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! I am sooo excited for you!!

Pierson family said...

YAY!!! Congratulations!!! So exciting! Sorry about the morning sickness, hope it gets better soon. We miss you so much! Hope you are getting settled, even with the morning sickness.

Susanne said...

YAY, the world needs more Trees!!

Steven and Chelsea said...

Hooray!! I've been waiting for a post like this!! I'm sorry about the morning sickness but can't wait for your family to grow!

Auralee said...

Congratulations! So happy for you :)

Mary said...

Congratulations!!!! That is so exciting! I hope that you all get settled quickly and then you have time to enjoy your pregnancy (that is if the morning sickness with go away).